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Welcome to my life, as the pages are continuously being written...

Little bit of this, Little bit of that...

Welcome Friends

About Me

Where do I begin when describing myself?  I guess I just pretty much start with the basic stuff and go from there.

 God/Faith:  I wouldn't have anything without God and/or Faith. 

My Family:  I am married to my best friend.  He truly is the love of my life.  My knight in polished armor.  I say polished because it'll always have some tarnish, but the more he polishes it, the more it will shine.  ( I have several friends in mind that would make that an R rated joke and shame on me for thinking it first! ;0)    We went to school together for a year when we were Freshman in high school.  I dated a good friend of his and on occasion we'd all be at the same place, but I don't remember anything more than a hello from either of us back then.  Years and years later, I came across his name on a social networking site and decided to ask him if he still kept in touch with our mutual friend.    Lucky for us that he hadn't spoken to his friend since high school, and here we are!
My kids, Tyler (16) and Alexis (6), who try my patience on a daily basis!  Thank heavens for school!  Ha Ha!  Even through the trying times, they also bring me a lot of laughter and love!  I am blessed!

What do I enjoy doing?  Reading!  Reading, reading, reading!  I also love cooking and photography.  I enjoy being with family the most though.  Whether it's going to a festival, the lake or just sitting around the living room watching t.v. that's when my heart is happiest!
So, that sums me up in just a little nutshell.

As you will notice looking thru my blog, there are two issues very close and dear to my heart.
 1. Domestic Violence?Awareness ( I have a link sharing just a bit of my story)
2. Suicide/Awareness

♥ Thank you for stopping by ♥

Have a Blessed Day!