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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Autumn Splendor

I'm not sure what it is, but the older I get, the more I love autumn. I feel more ALIVE in Autumn. I love the chance to do things that need to be done like clean out the closets, garage and anything else you don't want to do in the heat of summer. I love that extra little bit of energy the cooler temps bring. Heaven knows I need it!
Nature seems so much brighter, fresher, deeper and more intense in Autumn. The smell of rain is fresher, the energy of the storms seem more intense, the thunder is louder and the lightning even brighter.  I love the chance to buy more candles with scents of vanilla, spice, pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg and apple cider. I love filling the house with fresh aromas of baking without having to actually bake every day.  The flames of the candles leaving a beautiful glow in the house. There are days when the candles just won't do and you have to bake some fresh pumpkin bread. The joy to my heart the freshly baked treat brings when my children come home in the afternoon and the first words from their lips isn’t “what’s for dinner, but rather, what smells so good?” and I love sharing recipes, especially in the fall.  Mostly crock-pot recipes because what's simmering in the crock-pot is filling my house with the aroma of tonight’s dinner. 
I love it when my husband and I are curling up on the couch watching television and just cuddling and relaxing while sneaking kisses during commercials. (although, as we age and grow (wider) cuddling on the couch is a little harder to do!  The quiet nights we lie in bed and read until our eyelids just won’t stay open any longer.  I love how the days are shorter and I get to spend just a little more time in the evenings with my family. 
I love the sky in autumn. With the sky and its many shades of blue, it's a much deeper, more intense blue. When it's gray, it's magnificently malevolent. The sunsets explode in many colors leaving jeweled colored tones. I love that every day the leaves are different. A kaleidoscope of color with hues of amber, soft golds, deep greens, rich reds and fiery oranges. I also love the "gloomy" days. The daytime when I have to turn my lamps on and read by the soft, dimly lit glow. I love sneaking in a short nap on these gray, gloomy, lazy days of Autumn.
I love the clear sunny days and cool crisp nights. It provides an almost irresistible lure to those who enjoy the outdoors. I love the freshness in the air when I go outside. I love knowing that when September arrives, it brings an excitement in the air like, football, cool air, the State Fair, Halloween and even more important, Thanksgiving. A time for FAMILY, FRIENDS and ahhh yes, COMFORT FOOD!
I love getting up every morning and welcoming the golden Autumn light into the room. I love the sites, the smells and the taste of autumn.  Sitting outside on the back porch enjoying a coffee in my favorite mug or having a great foamy cup of cappuccino sprinkled with just a little dash of nutmeg and cinnamon. I love smelling the coffee's aroma throughout the house and just meditating and focusing on God and all the things that I am blessed with. Like this beautiful new day God created just for me and the family he blessed me with to enjoy it.

September is the time I look forward to the most. It's my birthday month but even more than that, I know Autumn is coming!  It’s just ‘round the corner! 

*On a sad note, September 10th is my birthday, but it is also Suicide Prevention Day.  Suicide prevention is another cause very near and dear to my heart.  (we love and miss you, Rick)

All my favorite months are in Autumn.  October is another special for month for me.  I celebrate my anniversary with my husband and best friend.  We almost always celebrate our anniversary by going to the family river property where it’s so peaceful, calm and soothing to our souls. With acres and acres of changing  leaves, deer and rabbits running across our paths and the crisp, clean air, life just doesn’t seem like it could be any better.   October is also a month that is dedicated to raising awareness for another very special cause that is near and dear to my heart.  The month of October is dedicated to raising awareness for Domestic Violence.
There are so many reasons to love (and reflect upon) Autumn. These are just a few for me!  

♥ Thank you for stopping by ♥

Have a Blessed Day!